Incorrect payroll can cause major issues for you and your family. It can eat away at your savings, cause you to miss your rent or mortgage payments, and leave you with unpaid bills. It’s important to identify and resolve these issues as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the more difficult it becomes to fix them.
Talk To Your Employer
A payroll error can happen in any workplace. Miscommunication between HR and payroll systems, record-keeping mistakes, or a single missed deadline can result in overpayments, underpayments, or incorrect deductions. Ideally, you should contact your employer via email or in-person. This will ensure that they are aware of the issue and provide you with the documentation you need. And if your employer agrees to do something about it, be sure to keep a record of the conversation. This can be helpful if you decide to sue for compensation or other legal reasons.
Ask For An Adjustment
When you have a paycheck problem, it’s important to ask for an adjustment. It may seem obvious, but it’s often the first step to fixing a pay discrepancy. Before you ask for an adjustment, however, it’s a good idea to check the laws that apply to your situation. Some laws prevent pay adjustments in certain situations, like when an employee has jury duty or when they’re part of a union. Also, some laws prohibit retaliation in the event of a payroll error. A letter explaining the issue and requesting an adjustment should be sent to affected employees for their records.
Contact The Labor Board
If you suspect your employer is not meeting the labor standards, you can make a complaint. Complaints can be made in person, by phone or email to the Labor Board. The Labor Board is an independent tribunal appointed under the Employment Standards Code to hear complaints about workplace issues. The board is responsible for resolving disputes referred to it by the Employment Standards Division. You can file a complaint with the Labor Board if you believe you have been cheated out of wages, overtime pay, or other forms of unpaid labor. These claims must be filed within 12 months of when the violation is believed to have occurred.