When you’re injured on the job, workers’ comp can help pay for medical expenses and part of your lost wages while you recover. However, if you don’t take the right steps, you could lose all or a portion of these benefits. That’s why it’s important to follow these 5 tips for getting the most out of your workers’ compensation claim.
1. Notify Your Boss As Soon As Possible
If you have a workplace illness, it’s important to notify your boss as soon as possible. This will help them understand what they should expect from you over the next few days and what meetings may need to be rescheduled. It’s also a good idea to provide them with a short, concise reason why you’re not going to be able to make it into work. This can be specific or vague, depending on your relationship with your boss and the nature of your illness. You should also let them know of any documentation that you plan to obtain to show them during your absence. This will include medical records and other forms that will be helpful to file a workers compensation claim.
2. Contact A Lawyer
If you are injured or sick on the job, it is a good idea to contact a lawyer as soon as your claim is filed. Workers’ compensation attorneys are experienced in navigating the process and can make sure you get the maximum benefits you deserve. A workers’ compensation attorney can also help you if your employer denies that your injury occurred at work. Having your claim denied based on an employer’s misrepresentation can be devastating for you. Insurers are obligated to cover your medical bills and lost wages, but insurance companies are motivated to minimize the value of your claim to maximize their profits. If they push back against your claim, a New York workers’ comp attorney can represent you in court. This can prevent you from having to fight a costly lawsuit that could result in your getting a settlement far below the amount you are entitled to.
3. Don’t Accept The First Offer
When you file a workers compensation claim, you have no obligation to accept the first offer that the insurance company makes. However, you should always consider all of the factors that are involved in your case before deciding whether to accept a settlement. For example, a lump sum settlement may not be enough to cover your future medical treatment. You also need to consider how much your injuries will cost in the long run. This includes any additional costs that you might have to pay out of your workers’ compensation payments.
4. Keep Track Of Your Medical Treatment
Getting organized and keeping track of your medical treatment can help you stay focused on healing. This will save you time and frustration later on. Having accurate records of what you were given is also important to help with your workers’ compensation claim. Without proper records, insurance companies often challenge your claim and argue that your injury was pre-existing or caused by something other than your job.
5. Don’t Be Pressured
Thousands of workers experience pressure from their employers or insurance companies when they file a workers compensation claim. Some employers may even try to retaliate against injured employees for filing a claim. In some cases, these attempts to retaliate include not giving an injured worker a job offer or preventing them from receiving a promotion or advancement opportunity. These types of retaliation are unlawful and need to be addressed by an attorney as soon as possible. It is also important to not be pressured into signing a settlement or contract with an employer when you file a workers compensation claim. This can lead to missing out on valuable benefits like medical care and lost wages.